The Pôle Relations Extérieures is a new department within Open Up, whose aim is to organize an annual event to welcome EDHEC's new international students: Inter'Action Days. The members of the External Relations Pole have only one aim: to ensure that international students have a memorable stay! It's also an opportunity to make a first real contact with them.
The Pôle also liaises with the school's other associations to encourage meetings between French and international students (afterworks with the BDE, Champagne tasting day with the oenology association).
Every year, the Pôle organizes its C&S party in a Lille club, the Smile Club, a meeting place for EDHEC students. Hundreds of French and international students come together for this unforgettable evening.
The Pôle also connects Open Up with the other International Offices in Lille via various events: the Connection Games, a day of activities bringing together international students from some twenty schools, and the Meltin'Potes, large themed parties with up to 1,000 participants.

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